
Saturday. Day 3.

Det er en kreativ måte å jobbe på men stressende.
This is a creative way to learn but stressing.

Dette er veldig morsomt og kjekt og jeg lærer mye av det.
Jeg er veldig glad for at jeg fikk bli med på så kort varsel.
This is very funny and fun and I learn a lot from it.
I ‘m very glad that I got to be a part of it on such a short notice.

Arthur is a funny play. I think it will be good.
What we are doing, is very funny.

It’s very funny to be at this play.

Jeg føler at det er litt trettende å komme så tidlig som kl. 10.
I feel that it’s very tiring to come so early as 10 am.


Friday. Day 2.

drukke dag met opwarmen en afkoelen
van koelbloedige scènes en innige minnestrelen
even sterven en weer opstaan
en nadien zinnen zoeken rond 'krig og idealer',
de queeste naar de overgang tot de 'undergang'
en het 'slutt' in het 'slott' ...
het stavanger-bataljon traint zich in dans en cadans
onze hoofse helden houden het hoofd koel

busy day with warming up and cooling down
of cold blooded scenes and fervent minstrels
dying for a moment and rising again
and then searching sentences about 'krig og idealer'
the quest to the transition to the 'undergang'
and the 'slutt' in the 'slott' ...
the battalion of Stavanger is training in dance and cadence
our courtly heroes keep their head


Thursday. Day 1.

het zijn lappen, die noren...
er wordt hier gecirkeld in bochten,
met gewrochten gevochten,
geslagen tot ridder,
geworsteld met taal.
daardoor draaien driehoeksverhoudingen
en ronde tafels soms vierkant.
maar gestaag banen onze koene kerels en jonkvrouwen
zich een weg doorheen door de scènes.
morgen wederom ten aanval.

we are circling in curves
fighting knighting
struggling with language
round tables and triangular relationships
turning square.
but steady we go,
heros bold and daring, maidens fair and bright
pave their way through the scenes.
tomorrow back in charge!

Wednesday. Leaving for Stavanger.

Transparant is coming to Stavanger in February, but preparations have already started! In one of our productions, Arthur, we will present an opera for and with children. In this last days of December, director Natalie Roymans, choreographer Jo-An Lauwaert and scenographer Katrijn Baeten took a flight from Brussels to Stavanger to meet the children of Stavanger and start the rehearsals for Arthur.

The imagination of the children is the starting point. With our professional assistance, we work on the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. The result is rather unpredictable, since we don’t start from a fixed structure, but create things together with the children.

To be continued...